This first half of the autumn term has been a busy time at Lliswerry High. Our “Learning for Life” motto is key to all that we undertake, from the daily hard work in the classrooms and sports fields to all those extra activities that contribute to both the life for our students here and also those in our community.

These activities include welcoming our feeder Primary School Year 6 students in September in to taster lessons on our Curriculum Days. The students experienced lessons in Design Technology and Science and had an enjoyable experience.

In October we held a very successful Open Evening and we were delighted to welcome so many primary aged children and their families in to our school to start to get to know what we do here, to understand our values and to meet lots of our current students who so willingly gave up their time to help out. As I said to those visiting that evening, this willingness is the true test of how proud these students are of their school and we are equally proud of them for their commitment to Lliswerry.

Our Harvest assemblies in October were led by Mr Prosser from Health Help International charity. For a number of years now, Lliswerry High students have helped raise funds for different projects in Zambia and this year we have raised so far over £350 to help the school children develop their chicken farm, set up last year. The chickens are being raised and the produce sold to raise the money to re-build their school. We also brought in tinned produce for a local charity.

As part of our school self-evaluation, we have carried out reviews of the Creative Arts department and the History department this term. These reviews included lesson observations, work scrutiny, feedback from learners and scrutiny of schemes of work. It was interesting to note the different activities and teaching strategies employed by our staff to engage and support our students.

Our Sixth Form Awards evening was a most enjoyable event with the speech and presentation of awards given by Stephen Anthony of the Lighthouse Trust. His address was a clear message to our pupils – each one of them has the opportunity of a bright and successful future. We thank Stephen for coming to the evening and also for the support from parents, family members and friends.

The presentation evening for the Duke of Edinburgh awards in November was a most enjoyable event and building on our previous success, our season has kicked off with a fantastic start this year with over 60 students signed up for the Bronze Award 17 for the Silver Award.

Our Governors have held their AGM and also Curriculum and Finance sub-committee meetings where last summer’s examination results were discussed and also our plans for developments this year. The Annual Governors Meeting with Parents is on 8 December at 6pm in the school hall.

As you can see this is a vibrant school and we remain committed to educating and caring for our students, supporting them to achieve their potential academically and to prepare them for the challenges of higher education, the work place and adult life.

Within the classroom, high quality teaching and learning takes place and staff work very hard to support each individual student to achieve their very best.  There are also a wide variety of educational trips and visits to support classroom learning.

Our students lie at the heart of our work and we aim to provide an enjoyable experience where learning is key. We work with a variety of institutions to provide exciting curriculum opportunities and we are proud of the advice and guidance we provide our students to ensure the appropriate curriculum for each individual.

We are a caring and friendly community school, working closely with our students, parents and governors to provide a supportive environment.

I look forward to working with you and welcome you to our school.

Mrs Alyson Mills

Headteacher / Prithero

Important Dates for Your Diary

Thursday 1st December

Primary School Christmas Concert 6pm
Monday 5th - Friday 16th December Year 11 Mock Exams
Tuesday 6th December Year 12 Parents Evening - 4.30pm Christchurch Centre, Malpas
Monday 12th - Friday 16th December Year 10 Exams All week
Friday 16th December School Closes at 3pm for Christmas Holidays
Tuesday 3rd January 2012 School Re-opens to Pupils 8.35am


Theme of the Week / Thought of the Day

Click on the month to see the current Themes of the Week and Thoughts of the Day:

September 2011
October 2011
November 2011

Term Dates

2011 - 2012
2012 - 2013